Garima Chhikara //

LinkedIn // Scholar // GitHub

Office: Room No. 503D, Academic Building 4, DTU

Hi, I work as Assistant Professor in Delhi Technological University in Computer Science and Engineering Department. I am also a PhD student in School of IT at IIT Delhi, advised by Prof. Abhijnan Chakraborty. My research interests include Fairness in Summarization, Social Network analysis, Computational Social Science. I obtained Masters from IIIT Delhi under the supervision of Prof. Vinayak Naik.

  • Aug. 2024: Talk for DANICS Officers at DTU, New Delhi, India
  • June 2024: Spotlight Talk at ICWSM, Buffalo, New York, USA
  • Oct. 2023: Talk at AI-ML COMSNET, Bengaluru, India
  • Jul. 2023: Poster Presentation at SIGIR, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Jul. 2023: Student Volunteer at SIGIR
  • Dec. 2022: Poster Presentation at IndoML, IIT Gandhinagar, India


Aug 2024 - Dec 2024: Machine Learning (CO 327)
Aug 2024 - Dec 2024: Theory of Computation (CO 303)
Jan 2024 - April 2024: Algorithm Design and Analysis (CO 208)
Jan 2024 - April 2024: Data Structure (CO 201)
Aug 2023 - Nov 2023: Machine Learning (CO 327)
Aug 2023 - Nov 2023: Programming Fundamentals (CO 101)

You may want to check out the following videos from previous offerings.
(Kindly use DTU E-Mail ID to access the videos)
Algorithm Design and Analysis Videos
Computer Graphics Videos Notes
Theory of Computation Videos Notes

You Tube Lectures on Recursion
You Tube Lectures on Backtracking

