Theory of Computation (TOC)

CO 303, Odd Sem 2024-25, DTU
A2 Batch, 3rd Year
Mon 1-3 PM AB4 203, Tue 2-4 PM in AB4 416

Instructor: Garima Chhikara

Class No. Date Topic Class Notes
1 8 Aug 2024 Introduction, DFA Aug 8
2 12 Aug 2024 DFA Examples Aug 12
3 22 Aug 2024 DFA Examples Aug 22
4 27 Aug 2024 DFA Examples, NFA Aug 27
5 2 Sep 2024 Conversion NFA to DFA, Minimization DFA, Epsilon NFA Sep 2
6 3 Sep 2024 Conversion Epsilon NFA to NFA, Mealy, Moore Sep 3
7 9 Sep 2024 Regular Expression, Regular Language Sep 9
8 10 Sep 2024 Regular Language Properties Sep 10

Section Topic Mapping with Videos of Previous Offering
Sec 1 All Lec 1 to 9
Sec 2 Regular Expression Lec 10, 11, 12
Sec 2 Operators on Regular Expression Link
Sec 2 Algebraic Laws for Regular Expression Link
Sec 2 Kleen Theorem Link
Sec 2 Arden Theorem Link Link Link
Sec 2 Moore and Mealy Machine Lec 15, 16
Sec 3 Grammar Lec 13, 14

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